荷蘭設計團體 / Droog Design - 85號經典吊燈

1993年Rodi Graumans為droog設計的作品,85 Lamps Chandelier / 85號(顆)燈,已被認定為droog design最經典的作品
商品編號: DR-02101
供貨狀況: 尚有庫存





1993年Rodi Graumans為droog設計的作品,85 Lamps Chandelier / 85號(顆)燈,已被認定為droog design最經典的作品。


Chandelier / 85只使用了產生光線所需要的主要材料:燈泡、電線、連接器。


這款迷人的吊燈被以下現代美術博物館永久收藏:中央博物館(荷蘭烏得勒支)、現代藝術博物館(美國紐約)、舊金山現代藝術博物館(美國舊金山)、維多利亞國家美術館(墨爾本、澳大利亞)、Neue Pinakothek Die Neue Sammlung - 國際設計博物館(德國慕尼黑)、維特拉設計博物館(德國萊茵河畔威爾)、費城藝術博物館(美國費城)。








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授          權 : 荷蘭 droog / 授權

台灣總代理 : BLUE STONE 青石


設  計  師   : Rody Graumans

電       源   :110V /  15W白熾燈泡 x 85顆

材  質 :燈泡、電線、連接器

重  量 :15kg

商品尺寸 :Ø 70 x 110 cm 

產  地 :荷蘭設計品牌


Rody Graumauns (b. 1968), Netherlands.

About Rody Graumauns:

Rody Graumans (Dutch, born 1968) is a leading Dutch product designer & wonder boy who became an overnight star designer after he introduced his iconic Droog 85 Lamps Chandelier, available from Stardust. The Dutch designer Rody Grauman was educated at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Utrecht and later at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam. Despite his young age Rody Graumans has already produced a true design classic: The 85 pendant lamp which can be found today in the permanent design collection of MoMA in New York. Rody Graumans has that little extra something; a quality that eludes description: Rody has a certain je ne sais quoi.

Rody Graumauns Design:

Contemporary Dutch designers such as Rody Graumans have been distinctly innovative in their experimentation with materials. As an example of this trend, Rody Graumans employed simple, readily available components of eighty-five black electrical cords, sockets, and lightbulbs — to create this striking chandelier. Gathered in a unified bundle at the ceiling, the cords flare out to accommodate the mass of bulbs below. This piece was included in Droog Design's first collection. Droog has captured much attention for its stance against consumerism and its use of industrial and recycled materials. The collective initially caught the interest of international critics in 1993 with an exhibition at the Milan Furniture Fair, where founders Gijs Bakker and Renny Ramakers presented work by a number of Dutch designers who share the same, essentially minimalist, approach.
