• SFMOMA(舊金山現代藝術博物館)• Stedelijk 博物館阿姆斯特丹• ADAM(布魯塞爾設計博物館)
2004 年“新荷蘭設計經典”獎Yksi/Vitra
Felicerossi Divina扶手椅的設計概念是經典的,是具指標性的。
材料是單一塑料100% 聚乙烯 (LDPE) 使用旋轉成型工藝一體成形所製成。
Divina 扶手椅可以在您的露台、花園、更適合在您的客廳或辦公室使用,讓您的空間看起來更具設計感。
Divina在戶外使用時很容易保持清潔,如果你的咖啡不小心打翻了,沒關係 !
用濕抹布很容易擦乾淨,您可以很快的再次使用 Divina。
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※請您注意 ! 您所退回的商品必須是不影響二次銷售之全新商品, 包含商品本身、配件、包裝、贈品、發票等,請務必完整退回。若商品有封膜、紙盒等特殊包裝,也需保持完整無任何毀損且全新未拆塑膠封膜的狀態。
設 計 師 : Design by: jacco bregonje
材 質 : 100% 聚乙烯 (LDPE) 使用旋轉成型工藝一體成形所製成
產 地 :義大利
重 量 : ****kg
Jacco Bregonje was born in The Netherlands in 1964 where he studied architecture and design. In 1992 he moved to Italy where he worked for one year in Milan and for 8 years at the Design-Center of Whirlpool Europe. As senior design manager he initiated the strategic project 'Macrowave'(2000) which has become one of the most important approaches what concerns innovation for Whirlpool at global level. Afterwards he decided to enlarge his professional scope and established in 2001 'bid' (Bregonje Industrial Design) as he believes that the role of the designer is to be the generalist within a project-team of specialists. He has received various international awards and participated in various international exhibitions. His works has been published in many important magazines and special literature. The SFMOMA (San Francisco Museum Of Modern Art) selected in 2003 his chair 'Divina'(Felicerossi) for their permanent collection. He is active in the field of industrial & strategic design for international low and high-tech industries. For Felicerossi he is (with Carlo Magnoli and Roberto Sartorio) art-directing the companies research activities.