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設計師Ed Annink受1920年代德國現代主義者 Gerd Arntz 象形圖的啟發,於是設計了這款具有河馬輪廓的腳踏墊。
PVC 和椰殼纖維(椰子殼)的創新混合,賦予 Hippo Doormat具有豐富的紋理外觀(可去除鞋底的污垢),如您正常使用Hippo腳踏墊,使用壽命可以很長,甚至長達數年。
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授 權 : 荷蘭droog/授權
台灣總代理 : BLUE STONE 青石
設 計 師 : Ed Annink
包裝內容物:droog/Hippo mat河馬腳踏墊*1
材 質 :椰殼/PVC
重 量 :5kg
商品尺寸 :145 × 69 × 2 cm
Ed Annink
Ed Annink (1956-2012), product designer, curator and teacher, created products for the international consumer market under such labels as Driade, Authentics, Royal VKB, Purple South, Kwantum and Nexus computers. On his initiative, books were published, exhibitions were organized and archives of our cultural heritage were made accessible to the public. One of his most recent projects is Design Den Haag 2010— 2018, a ten-year program focusing on design and government in Europe. Annink created the exhibition program for the first edition in 2010 (in Den Haag and Berlin). ‘Bright minds, beautiful ideas’ – the title of the exhibition Ed Annink curated in 2003 for the Experimentadesign biënnale in Lisbon – are the words widely used to commemorate him. “This title symbolises his enthusiasm and initiatives”, says the eulogy on Ontwerpwerk, the design studio Annink co-founded. ‘Bright minds, beautiful ideas’ combined the works of Bruno Munari, Charles and Ray Eames, Martí Guixé and Jurgen Bey. The four might seem far apart, but they had something in common that was needed in the present time of confusion. “They question everything and are capable of coupling fantasy, playfulness and investigation with vision,” said Annink. “They link culture to economy and science and match curiosity and openness with social commitment and action. Their work and vision are timeless and yet contemporary.”